“CHAAMP is desperately needed to expand the ongoing mission and core values we’ve embraced since 1984 to fund breakthrough seed research grants.”
Shelley Eure Belk, Foundation of Hope Executive Director

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This is more than a milestone – it’s lasting impact.
Mission accomplished: touching lives, offering hope.
The Child & Adolescent Anxiety & Mood Disorders Program (CHAAMP) is filling the research gap by advancing the science needed to change the course of children’s mental health for generations to come.
Thanks to your unwavering support, we’re turning vision into action. Hope is happening.

“All children deserve a lifetime of enduring health, positive development, and achievement.”
Dr. Danielle Roubinov
PhD, Director of CHAAMP
Sounding the alarm for our kids and teens!
As a nation and as a community, we are experiencing unprecedented rates of mental illness in kids and teens and never-before-seen shortages in access to treatment programs.
20%of youth suffer from anxiety & depressive symptoms
57%overall increase in nationwide suicide rate since 2000
There are still many ways to support the Campaign for CHAAMP and remain invested in our work. Sign up now to receive program updates, and stay tuned for more chances to celebrate in the coming months.

All about CHAAMP.
In 2021, Foundation of Hope launched the Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Mood Disorders Program within the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at UNC. Led by nationally-recognized Dr. Danielle Roubinov and guided by our partnership with the UNC Department of Psychiatry and Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, this first-of-its-kind program in North Carolina will propel children’s mental illness research into the future.
Children’s mental health takes a team.
We couldn’t have raised $5 million for CHAAMP without incredible people behind the scenes! Meet our amazing campaign committee, get to know our Foundation of Hope leadership, and celebrate the CHAAMPions who have helped shape the future for the next generation.

About Foundation of Hope
Foundation of Hope exists to conquer mental illness by investing in groundbreaking scientific research and mental health initiatives. In its 40 years, the Foundation has awarded 197 scientific research grants totaling more than $9.4 million to researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. These funds have leveraged an additional $254 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies. CHAAMP is part of Foundation of Hope’s ongoing efforts to fund research focused on understanding root causes of—and potential treatments for—mental illness.
Contact us.
Have questions? Want to learn more about Foundation of Hope? Want to talk through donation options? Reach out to us! We’d love to hear from you.